Sage Intacct 2024 Release 3

Sage Intacct 2024 Release 3

The release highlights include the following:

Accounts Payable Automation

  • Streamline AP purchase invoice entry by automatically creating draft AP purchase invoices from AP purchase invoice documents that you email or upload. Sage Intacct automatically identifies the supplier and fills in the AP purchase invoice details for you, attaching the source AP purchase invoice document for reference. Ask us about how you can save time and money processing AP invoices.

Prepaid Expense Amortisation

  • Increase accuracy and save time by recognising pre-paid assets directly from AP Invoices. Shorten your close time by automatically posting journal entries for expense amortisation and ensure proper period cutoff by accounting for expenses in the correct periods. Ask us about how you can say goodbye to tedious spreadsheet-based processes for tracking and calculating amortisation expenses.

Enhanced email delivery and insights

  • The enhanced email delivery service uses DKIM, the industry-leading standard for email security. DKIM ensures that your emails are delivered to their intended recipients quickly and reliably. Additionally, the enhanced email log provides you with detailed visibility into the delivery status of your emails, by recipient. Ask us how to get this set up for you.

TPAR export for Australia

  • Export your Taxable payments annual report (TPAR) in a format that’s ready to upload to the Australian Tax Office (ATO).

Void payments more quickly

  • Void payments directly from Posted payments and skip the bank and cheque registers.

Fiscal year rollover for General Ledger document sequences

  • Document sequences for journal entries now support fiscal year rollover to help you manage document sequences with year-end transitions.

Trace original transaction documents

  • Purchasing workflows provide great flexibility with multiple potential transaction entry and exit points. Now you can easily track which transaction started a workflow. A more traceable workflow ensures greater inventory reconciliation accuracy.

Read more at or watch the release video

Martus Budgeting

  • New “Approval Levels” Feature. With this new feature, Martus supports a hierarchical budget worksheet approval workflow. Approvers can be assigned at various levels and in various combinations to meet your approval requirements.
  • Reference Data. Reference Data sections are now highlighted in blue on the budget worksheet to better distinguish between reference data and budget lines.
  • Delete Multiple Positions. Clients with the Personnel Budgeting module can now select multiple positions to delete
  • Drill down to details for custom reports. Now you can drill down to details for actuals and budgets for reports created with the ReportBuilder! Hyperlinks are available when displaying data by GL account at the “Flat” level of detail.




  • Interest in Advance option for leases.
  • Bulk import of custom lease schedules.
  • Bulk import of right-of-use leases.
  • Bulk import of asset financed leases.
  • Bulk import of lease refinances.


  • Impairments Report.
  • Improvements to the Revaluation Movements report.
  • Improvements to Consolidated Reports (individual reports in ZIP files).